Why I LOVE being a REALTOR

Why I love being a REALTOR….  If you are looking for career options, let’s chat! This business isn’t for everyone yet if you asked me when I was in my 20’s if I wanted to be an agent, the answer would probably have been NO. At that time, I had...

What Do You Need To Know About A Home Appraisal?

You’ve found your dream home and now it’s time to cross all your T’s and dot all your I’s before it’s all your own. And one of the first items on your closing checklist the home appraisal. So, what exactly is that? The home appraisal is essentially a value...

How Much Do I Need To Save For A Down Payment?

  How Much Do I Need To Save For A Down Payment? You’ve most likely heard the rule: Save for a 20-percent down payment before you buy a home. The logic behind saving 20 percent is solid, as it shows that you have the financial discipline and stability to save for...